A downloadable DLC

The Doomsday clock has been reset. Earth is riddled with craters and the last sooty remnants of broken cities enveloped in a persistent fog. Humanity is on the brink of a self-inflicted extinction. Human civilization has collapsed. The law of the mightiest rules the remaining wasteland in which lonesome gunslingers roam to fight for survival. The Black Tower is the last enduring structure at the center of the wilds shrouded in mist. The one who controls the Black Tower controls Drinkable Liquid Content (DLC), the all-important resource everyone is struggling to acquire. Eliminate your competition to protect your savings, use them up and you’re doomed.

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DLC Game - How to Play (external Link)


Daniela Bruns

Veit Frick

Matthias Kostwein

Armin Lippitz

Peter Mehlmann

Felix Schniz

Jan-Philipp Schratz  


allinone.pdf 1.2 MB